a company of the BioTissue group
and a spin-off of the Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin

The new and promising technology of Tissue Engineering began to emerge over 15 years ago. Meanwhile more and more clinical applications have proven the enormous potential of regenerative medicine.
At TransTissue Technologies we are focused on inventions and new methods for tissue regeneration, leading to novel Tissue Engineering products and new platform technologies.
Based on our experience in the biological regeneration of different types of cells and tissues, we translate innovative research and development into medical products consistent with GMP standards (Good Manufacturing Practice). Our vision is to establish regenerative medicine in daily clinical life.

TransTissue, founded as a spin-off of the
Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin in February 2000,
has been a subsidiary of the BioTissue Group
since September 2001.
With our substantial portfolio of technologies we can offer a broad panel of services to support your research and development.

Research & Development
Beyond the mission of our scientific team to develop therapeutical products for regenerative medicine as well as innovative cell and tissue platform technologies, we are committed to the refinement of existing and the development of new strategies for tissue regeneration.